Friday, September 23, 2016

If you could buy 1 piece of furniture for the reading center in your room, what would it be??


  1. More bookshelves. I'm packed full and can't stand the thought of removing books. The bins take up more room than just stacking books with the spines out, but that has its value too. I'm not sure what I'm going to do...

  2. A comfy blanket so we could all sit and read a book if time permitted.

  3. We're in the process of organizing our classroom library so I would buy a bookshelf. Right now our books are in bins and stackable drawers so it makes it a little difficult for them to find a book that they would like to read.

  4. More comfortable seating (bean bags, comfy chairs, etc.) for students to sit on while reading independently!

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. Bean bags! We'd love more flexible seating options.

  7. more storage for the kid's supplies, but in a streamlined way. So much of our furniture is bulky and then add lots of kids to the room, and we feel cramped! So I'll say Streamlined storage!

  8. Bookshelves - so I can organize by topic and proficiency level.

  9. More storage space and comfortable seating

  10. More storage space and comfortable seating

  11. Bean bag chairs for a more comfortable reading spot. Also, durable reading bags for students to keep all reading materials organized and handy throughout the day!

  12. I would love more book bins but what I REALLY want is more series for my library! It's incredible what a series can do for your classroom. Once one kid is hooked, all the kids want to jump on board.

  13. I got to demo a Yogibo Max beanbag and it's amazing. I would love to have one (okay, more than one) in the library:

  14. A larger carpet for kids to be able to spread out to read. Bookshelves that fit under my whiteboard and bulletin boards. More books for my kids to read! A couch for my kids to sit on, or other alternate seating areas.

  15. Cubbies so that students have their own space to keep binders/books in the classroom.
